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Tus Community Work Placement Programme

Tús is a Community Work Place Initiative. Tús is an activation initiative for those who are unemployed and on Jobseekers payment or on Disability Allowance from the Department of Social Protection (DSP) for the past 12 months. Tús provides short – term and suitable community work placements with host organisations in the locality

Benefits of Tús

These work placements will be a valuable route for participants to:

  • gain or add experience of the workplace
  • to learn new skills and to return to the routine of regular work.

It will improve their employability and work readiness by providing them with work experience.

It will provide prospective employers with:

  • evidence that the participant has the necessary skills and abilities to do the job
  • It will provide participants with a recent work reference and CV at the end of their placement
Clondalkin Tidy Towns CE Vacancies for landscaping and maintenance
Startbright Brookview CE vacancies for childcare assistants and cleaners
Tús Step by Step Scheme programme SDCP

How it Works

Selection Process

Most unemployed people who are eligible for the scheme will be identified and contacted by their Intreo Centre or local Social Welfare Office and offered the opportunity to participate in the scheme. Potential participants can also sign themselves up to the scheme through self-referral. (see below)

When you are selected by the DSP and agree to take part on Tús your name will be sent on to us here in South Dublin County Partnership (SDCP) You will be then sent an invite to come and meet with one of our dedicated Team Leaders (TL). The TL will have a chat with you and discuss various options with you such as what line of work you would like or what hours suit you. When the TL and you have agreed a suitable role, you will then be brought to the Host Organisation for a placement meeting to see if it is suitable for you.

Self Referral

You can self refer to go on the Tús scheme by filling out section ‘a’ only of this Tús Self-Referral Form, and returning the form to your local DSP office. If you are eligible they will pass your name on to us here in SDCP

Host Organisations

There are many various host organisations in our catchment area, all hosts must be not for profit organisations and provide valuable community work in the local area. They include Community Centres, Creches, Day Care facilities, Charity Shops, Schools, Sports centres, Recycling centres and our Care & Repair team (see below) and many more

Care & Repair

Tús Care & Repair provides a free odd job service for eligible people within our local community, i.e. senior citizens, or those who have been referred from a support worker / health service or community organisation or have a long-term illness or disability.

Examples of their work: Minor gardening jobs, small painting & DIY jobs.

On the team you will be working with fellow Tús participants in a crew and will be provided with all necessary safety equipment and PPE gear.

Call the freephone number on: 1800938884


The various roles available on Tús include: Admin and Reception, Assistant Groundskeeper, Retail Assistants, Caretakers, Cleaners, Gardeners, Kitchen assistants, Assistant Security Officers, Animal Welfare Assistants, Warehouse Operatives, Stable Hands and more.

In Placement

The participant will then begin a 12 month work placement with Tús. They are employed by South Dublin County Partnership (SDCP) and receive the same statutory annual leave as other employees. Participants are required to work 19.5 hours per week in their Tús placement. The payment for Tús is the full jobseekers allowance rate plus €27.50 per week. Participants under the age of 25 will be paid the maximum rate of Jobseekers Allowance plus €27.50, the minimum amount all participants will receive is €230.50 per week.

Participants on Tús can take up other part time employment (up to 20 hours per week) provided that it does not interfere with the work and times of their Tús work placement. If participants are offered full time work or full time training they may terminate their Tús work placement contract if they wish.

Become a Host Organisation

Please fill out this form and return to SDCP (Address on form)

Should you need any further assistance please do not hesitate to contact Pat Byrne



Read more about Care & Repair Here

Contact us now for guidance and support.

Reach out to our Tus Care and Repair team today and let us assist you with your home improvement needs. Visit the Care & Repair webpage for further information

For more information contact a member of the Tús Team