Community Employment

Community Employment Scheme

Community Employment cheme, South Dublin County partnership

South Dublin County Partnership manages a number of Community Employment (CE) work placements on behalf of The Department of Social Protection (DSP).

The Community Employment (CE) Scheme helps people who are long-term unemployed and who are aged 21 years and over, to get back to work by offering part-time, supported work placements with host organisations within their local community. Participants on a Community Employment Scheme get access to training while gaining valuable work experience and developing new skills within a supported employment environment



Note: If you are aged 21 and over and are getting Jobseekers Benefit or Jobseekers Allowance, you can have worked up to 30 days in the 12 months before starting the CE Scheme and still be eligible for the scheme


Benefits of Community Employment

  • Provides support to Long Term Unemployed
  • Provides part-time work 19.5 hours per week
  • Offers Valuable Work Experience
  • Encourages CE Participants to have autonomy in their progression/career plan
  • Encourages empowerment
  • Offers one-to-one support and encouragement
  • Offers free accredited training up to Level 6 to support your career goal
  • Tops up your current Social Welfare payment and you keep your secondary benefits
  • No previous experience required

For further information on C.E. Schemes managed by SDC Partnership,  please contact the C.E. Scheme management team